Plugin Name: Hustle
Author:Victor Ivanov (Incsub), Robert Setiadi (Incsub), Diobeth Ray Villasencio (Incsub), Leighton Sapir (Incsub), Irene Mitchell (Incsub)

Change Log:

- PopUp is now called Hustle.
- Automatic migration for existing popups into custom content.
- Add: Major redesign for better user experience.
- Add: New Custom Content module.
- Add: New Opt-in module.
- Add: New Dashboard page.
- Add: New Settings page.
- Add: New top conversions table.
- Add: New top conversions graph.
- Add: Grouped color in palette customization.
- Add: Optional action button to custom URL in Custom Content module.
- Add: Opt-in module can be used as shortcode in Custom Content module.
- Add: Choices of auto responsive size or custom size for Custom Content.
- Add: Separated save button when creating or editing module.
- Add: Categories criteria in Display Conditions.
- Add: Tags criteria in Display Conditions.
- Add: Posts criteria in Display Conditions.
- Add: Pages criteria in Display Conditions.
- Add: Modules Overview in Dashboard.
- Add: WP Notification for migrated popups
- Fix: Pop up on exiting page.
- Fix: 'close button acts as never seen again' not working.
- Improve the popup javascript to display popups.
- Update and clean up background code.
- Fix issue, that prevented users from deleting popups.
- Fix issue with extra "\" slashes in admin preview.
- Fix permissions of the Popup custom post type.
- Fix issues with twentysixteen theme.
- Many small bugfixes in the background.
- Fix compatibility issues caused by WordPress 4.3 changes
- Fix a PHP notice about invalid foreach value
- Fix bug that removed backslashs "\" from popup contents upon saving
- Remove debug output when saving a PopUp
- Add new rules: Show on date, Hide on date
- Fix incompatibility with ACF Pro plugin
- Fix issue that made rules inaccessible (not clickable in editor)
- Fix several PHP warnings and notices
- Fix bug with Display Animation field in PopUp editor
- Small code improvements to avoid PHP notices
- Add integration for Membership2
- Fix issues with WPML integration
- Add a link target option for CTA Button (use _blank to open CTA in new tab)
- Add JS hook 'popup-submit-process' to allow manual updating of popup contents after form submit
- Simplify PopUp template structure to encourage creation of custom templates
- Fix XSS vulnerability (add_query_arg/remove_query_arg)
- Fix several small issues with different rules
- Fix typo in the XProfile condition
- Add new "Protected Content" rule
- Fix bug with XProfile rule that did not save field-value correctly
- Fix behavior "Show on Click" when event is attached to a link/button
- Fix variable-name collission with CoursePress
- Fix several small bugs
- Fix URL rules that check for https:// protocol
- Improve "Full URL rule" to check all protocols
- Fix incompatibility with Custom Sidebars plugin
- Fix small JavaScript error

- Add PopUp Animations
- Add Behavior option: Form submit behavior
- Add new meta box: Custom CSS for individual PopUps
- Add validation of PopUp shortcodes for the current loading method
- Fix an issue where the PopUp closes when Gravity Forms is submitted
- Fix the on-URL rules in Ajax loading methods
- Fix the Ajax loading methods when Strict-Mime-Check is enabled
- Fix error on servers that run older php version than 5.3
- New: Not-From-Referrer rule
- Better: Improved handling of forms inside PopUps
- Better: Ajax calls improved to prevent security errors by iThemes, etc.
- New: Allow page to be scrolled while PopUp is open.
- Fix: Prevent PopUps from staying open after submitting a form to external URL.
- Fix: PopUps without content can be displayed now.
- New: Two new WordPress filters allow custom positioning and styling of PopUps.
- Fix: Correctly display Meta-boxes of other plugins in the popup-editor.
- Fix: Plugins that use custom URL rewriting are working now (e.g. NextGen Gallery)
- Fix: PopUps can be edited even on servers with memcache/similar caching extensions.
- Fix: Resolve "Strict Standards" notes in PHP 5.4
- Fix: Rule "Not internal link" now works correctly when opening page directly.
- Fix: Rule "Specific Referrer" handles empty referrers correctly.
- Better: Forms inside PopUps will only refresh the PopUp and not reload the page.
- Better: Detection of theme compatibility for loading method "Page Footer" improved.
- New: Alternative Country Lookup services added to Settings page.
- New: Added Contextual Help to the PopUp editor to show supported shortcodes.
- Fix: Logic of rule "[Not] On specific URL" corrected.
- Fix: Close forever now works also via click on background layer.
- Fix: Behaviour "mouse leaves the browser" is not triggered when using the scrollbar.
- Fix: Bug in Membership rule was fixed that did cause an php error.
- Fix: Appointments+ shortcodes now work inside PopUps.
- Better: Improved info on supported shortcodes.

- Fix: For some users the plugin was not loading after update to 4.6
- Fix: Old Popups will now replace shortcodes correctly.

4.6 - 2014-08-22
- Completely re-build the UI from ground up!
- Migrated PopUps to a much more flexible data structure.
- Merged sections "Add-Ons" and "Settings" to a single page.
- Removed old legacy code; plugin is cleaner and faster.
- New feature: Preview PopUp inside the Editor!
- Three new, modern PopUp styles added.
- Featured Image support for new PopUp styles.
- A single page can display multiple PopUps.

4.5.3 - 2013-11-15
- Fix for argument passing issue.
- Fix for popup pending inital state.

4.5.2 - 2013-11-05
- Fix for display issue with absolute sizes/positioning.
- Added the XProfile fields value matching add-on.

4.5.1 - 2013-10-30
- Sizing calculus update.
- Performance update.

4.5 - 2013-10-16
- Javascript update.
- Separated size and positioning javascript.
- Added new expiry options and updated existing ones.
- Added anonymous loading method add-on.
- Added advanced URL rules add-on.
- Added maximum width rule add-on.
- Added post types rules add-on.
- Added show on click rule add-on.
- Added show on exit rule add-on.